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York St John Communities Centre

Drop-in sessions

Find out about our weekly community drop-in sessions.

Breastfeeding Group

We've teamed up with Treasure Chest to bring crucial breastfeeding resources to families free of charge.

The group aims to give new families a chance to talk with peer supporters as well as other families who are breastfeeding or combination feeding. If you are a breastfeeding parent, you are welcome!

There is no need to be struggling with breastfeeding, you can come for conversation and tea if you want to talk to other families that are currently breastfeeding in an environment which is breastfeeding friendly. The support group is open to anyone in the community, including parents affiliated with York St John.

Our drop-in sessions are held every Tuesday from 10.00am to 11.30am.

Download our information leaflet: 

Breastfeeding Group (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Menopause Support Group

York St John Communities Centre is delighted to host York Women’s Counselling Service’s (YWCS) new six week pilot group. 

The aim of the project is to provide a place for women to explore and talk about the often challenging effects related to going through the menopause.

This has been made possible thanks to support from ‘Ways to Wellbeing Small Grant Fund’ which is a CVS initiative enabling projects across the city that enhance community connections and address health inequalities.

If you are interested in joining, please register your interest below:

Register your interest

More about York Women's Counselling Service

Sunflowers Kids Club

We're honoured to be hosting the 'Sunflowers Kids Club', which is nurturing space that supports mental health and wellbeing of Ukrainian refugee children and their parents since July 2022. In our club children, age 0 to 17, have opportunities to learn, express themselves, enhance their emotional well-being, make friends and integrate into York.

The Sunflowers Kids Club also offers individual psychosocial support to children and parents, as well as a variety of other activities designed to support their integration in York, including trips, knowledge exchange, art, mindfulness, Ukrainian classes, and so on.

To find out more and register your child, please visit the Sunflowers Kids Club website:

Find out more and register

Supporting York St John Communities Centre

Your donation makes a great difference!

Your gift helps cover the cost of providing free services such as our community language school, bereavement group and cafes, student suicide support group 'Lauren's Ladies' and various drop-ins.

As our income grows, so too does our staff team of receptionists, administrators, coordinators, assessors, supervisors, counsellors, coaches, and group facilitators. Your support is needed to ensure they are actively involved in service delivery and are remunerated for their work. Anything you are able to donate can help support the work we do and the services that we offer to our community.

Make a donation through JustGiving