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Disability support and inclusion

Learner Adjustment Plans

We are committed to providing an inclusive experience for everyone who studies at the University. Adjustments may be made to support you on your course.

Collection of study notes on a table

You can discuss any concerns you have with your Academic Tutor, Subject Director or a Disability Practitioner. We will work together to find a solution which works for you.

 Examples of learning support adjustments include: 

  • Examination adjustments
  • Assignment Deadline Extensions
  • Recommendations to your lecturers about how information is provided to you
  • Recommendations for adjustments to your teaching environment or placements

Learner Adjustment Plans

Learner Adjustment Plans (LAPs) are an official document created by our Disability and Inclusion team, sent to the staff in your School and other relevant university teams, about your disability. 

Your LAP contains recommendations for how School staff support you as a disabled student – in other words, it explains what 'reasonable adjustments' we recommend that your School and Professional Services should put in place to enable you to access your course. 

The primary goal of the support recommended in the LAP is to remove or reduce any disadvantages you might encounter while studying due to your disability.

Our aim is to create an equitable environment that levels the playing field for all students, ensuring equal opportunities without granting any undue advantage.

To create a plan we will need supporting medical evidence. Your medical evidence must show how your disability, condition or need affects your studies. All evidence should be sent to your Disability Practitioner or If you are not sure about your evidence, send what you have and we will let you know whether we can accept it.

Recommended support

The recommendations in the Learner Adjustment Plan report are just that – recommendations.

The Disability Support and Inclusion team make these recommendations to your School to explain what can be done to remove or reduce disadvantage that you may experience as a disabled student. While it is expected that every effort will be made to put this support in place, there may be occasions where elements of the recommended support may not be possible or may conflict with assessment criteria and/or competencies to be demonstrated.

If this is the case, this will normally be explained to you by your School, and they will explore with you other ways of ensuring that you can access your course.

Your responsibilities

As an independent adult learner, it is very important that you take responsibility for your own learning and for helping School staff and other University staff to support you effectively.

As set out in your Learner Adjustment Plan, you need to be proactive in accessing support. It is certainly our experience that support is more effective when all parties take responsibility and work together.

Managing changes

During your course, you may be contacted by the Disability Support and Inclusion team to check how your support is going and to ask whether you feel it would be useful to meet to review your Learner Adjustment Plan. 

However, you do not need to wait for us to contact you. If at any time you feel that your support needs have changed, or your Learner Adjustment Plan needs to be reviewed, you should contact the Disability Support and Inclusion team to arrange an appointment for this purpose.

Further support

If you have any questions about the Learner Adjustment Plan or would like to meet with a Disability Practitioner, please contact the Disability Support and Inclusion team by emailing or by booking an appointment.

Book an appointment

You can also get help from our Academic Services team. They can help you develop your study skills and provide support with your academic assignments. Find out how to contact them on the Library, Study and Digital skills page.

Library, study and digital skills

Disclosing a disability to York St John University opens up much needed opportunities for support and can even give you more confidence. I discovered this when I was allocated a specialist tutor. My tutor helped me to get my ideas down on paper through using spider diagrams and also taught me how to improve my study habits, as well as how to improve my writing skills. I found this really useful and it helped me to lower my anxiety about writing.
 Sarah, History and American Studies graduate